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Wealth Management Through Engineering

How Do We Get There

The insight for maintenance and procurement has changed and so did the approach of PNKC. Frequent interventions with process owners fine-tuned the shop floor information that was used to communicate the needs of clients with technologist principals in Japan and Germany. Cross docking the information further with a cluster of similar clients eventually infuses efficiency in the supply chain because of the scale of trade and deliveries over a period of time. An example is the pre-determined orders for the recommended overhaul of base load power plants for independent power producers in Western Visayas and self-generating plants with manufacturers in the Calabarzon area.

The simple truth in maintaining industrial utilities is this - periodic condition maintenance is crucial to reduce operating cost protecting the company against utilities cost that are influenced by external global events that makes parts and services hard to control.

Over the years, a supply chain process, starting with trade capabilities, has been developed to manage the stages of procurement dependent on the shop floor practices that is distinct and unique with each client. Consider the following process post implementations of sales transaction:

  • Cadence of After Sales Service for Continuous and Stand by power facilities
  • Ranking Frequency Running Hours
    Rank A Quarterly 500 hours
    Rank B Once a year 1000 hours
    Rank C Every two (2) years 3000 hours
    Rank D Every four (4) years 6000 hours
    Rank E 4-5 Years or Condition-based 12000 hours
    Rank F 8-10 Years or Condition-based 24000 hours
  • Logic of Risk Matrix and FMEA (Failure Mode Equipment Analysis) to validate the necessity of purchase.
  • Periodic maintenance patterns of assessing the performance of power plants, compressors and electrical transformers based in lubrication and operating performance.
  • Reviving Historical Purchasing Information that triggers pro-activeness in essential replacements of equipment parts for sustained operations.